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13 Steps to Replacing Stress with Internal Peace

Updated on March 28, 2013
Positivity Quote
Positivity Quote | Source

Stress and Negativity

Every person deals with stress and negative situations in life. There is no way to completely avoid bad things from happening.

Internal stress and frustration can build up and damage our bodies, minds and relationships.

When we are stressed out and frustrated, that energy will also infect everyone around us. One person in a household can change the other’s mood from good to bad in no time.

What we can do is reduce the amount of negativity we expose ourselves to and make sure we build up enough positive energy to handle whatever life brings.

Change quote
Change quote | Source

Positive Energy

When we build up positive energy within ourselves it gives us great power because positivity attracts positivity.

Unfortunately, the opposite is also true which is why it is so important to decide what kind of people and experiences you want in your life.

What you put out there is exactly what you will get back.

Time For a Change

There comes a point where we all say, “enough is enough, I want peace and serenity”.

Here are 13 steps to having the internal peace and positivity you deserve.

Alter Attitude quote
Alter Attitude quote | Source

1. Fake It 'til You Make It

This is necessary at first because no one can become instantly happy and positive without some powerful medication.

Greet the world smiling and when someone asks how you are doing, say “Great”! Something as simple as a positive statement will begin to generate more positivity within you. If you approach interactions with negativity, it will begin to grow and fester.

The rest of your day is greatly affected by your initial reactions.

2. Acceptance

It is necessary to accept the fact that certain things just have to be done and focus on something more positive.

Don't generate negative energy on things you can’t avoid. If you are spending time and energy feeling sorry for yourself about going to work, doing homework or other unavoidable daily activities, let it go.

Feeling sorry for ourselves generates unnecessary negativity that depletes us of the strength we need for other things.

If you truly dislike your job or other aspects of your life so deeply that they cause you daily stress, it may be time to find another path.

Wise Men and Fool quote
Wise Men and Fool quote | Source

3. If You Can't Say Something Nice...

Say nothing negative about another person for 24 hours then increase the time frame.

This sounds easier than it is. Even the most positive person will get irritated with someone they deal with at work, on the news or in our own families.

The way we react to the people and situations we encounter on a daily basis will affect our own internal dialog as well as how others perceive us.

Saying mean things about other people really has no purpose. It is a vain attempt at making us appear better in comparison to someone who looks differently than we do or behaves in a way that we don’t agree with. In short, it’s just mean.

Comments and jokes at other peoples expense just brings more negativity our way and depletes our positive energy. When we need that positive supply to handle something important, we won’t have it.

4. Quiet Time

Meditate or take 10 minutes to sit in quiet.

Life is so busy and our schedules are packed with errands and responsibilities that we get overwhelmed with stimulation. Even so-called down time is spent in front of a television, computer, tablet or smart phone. It is nearly impossible to decompress and be internally peaceful when we constantly have sights and sounds buzzing in our brains.

Taking 10 minutes to quiet your brain and calm your muscles can recharge you for hours.

It may be hard to let go of your thoughts during this time at first. After a little practice, you will find that it is a wonderful little break from the negativity that may be trying to tear you down.

A few places we can steal a peaceful minute are:

  • In the care before work or before the drive home
  • At your work desk during a short break
  • While waiting for a child to be released from school or to finish with a sport or club activity
  • Right before bed

Quotes on the refrigerator door
Quotes on the refrigerator door | Source

5. Surround Yourself with Inspiration

Post inspirational quotes and messages where you will see them most often.

Uplifting quotes and sayings are more powerful than some give them credit for. Surrounding yourself with encouraging images and words will fuel your positive energy tank even when you aren’t consciously reading them.

A few great places to display them are:

  • On the refrigerator
  • Hanging in the bathroom near the mirror or on the opposite wall facing the mirror so it will be in your eye line every time you go in there
  • On the inside of the front door so it’s the last thing you see before you head out into the world
  • As the screen saver on your computer or tablet
  • As the lock screen on your phone
  • All of the above

6. Listen to Calm or Upbeat Music

Hard rock, rap and Pandora’s work-out selection can all be very entertaining but they have a time and place.

When you are on your way to work or coming home after a stressful day and still have an evening of kids, dinner and chaos to tend with, a different music choice may be the way to go.

7. Eat and Sleep Your Way into a Good Mood

When we are tired, hungry or our blood sugar is on a rollercoaster it is really hard to be calm or positive.

Eat plenty of protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates every 3 to 4 hours. When our bodies get low on fuel and our blood sugar is rising and dropping, it is hard to concentrate and focus.

Getting enough sleep is critical for emotional health as well as physical health. Adopt a regular sleep schedule that allows you enough time to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Sleep is usually the first thing to get neglected if there are things that need to be done. Make it a priority.

Is it Kind? Quote
Is it Kind? Quote | Source

8. Speak with Positivity

Only speak with purpose. Is there a solution or encouragement in your comment?

If your words are only negative and closed, there can be no change or improvement so there is no point in saying them. This not only surrounds you with negativity but it will spread to those around you as well.

Each time we lash out in anger or frustration it depletes us of positive energy. As time goes on, we can built our mood and disposition back up but by the end of the day, we are simply exhausted and fed up.

It’s easy to assume that life situations cause our attitudes to turn sour by the days end but in reality, it is how we chose to handle daily frustrations and irritations that determine our personal dispositions.

9. Do Something Kind Everyday

This is a very quick and simple step that can completely change your day.

  • Put away a stray shopping cart
  • Open the door for someone
  • Give a random genuine compliment to someone who isn’t expecting it
  • Share a positive thought or idea when someone needs one
  • Encourage another person

Smile | Source

10. Smile

When you smile at someone, they will either smile back or look confused.

Either way, you will be building up positivity within yourself and maybe a few other people who could use it.

11. Find The Positive

Finding the positive in all situations will take a conscious effort on your part at first but I will become automatic over time.

It won’t change the facts but it will change how you react and adapt to all things that come your way.

12. Positive People

We can’t always pick the people that we are exposed to on a daily basis but we can chose who we allow into our lives and our minds.

Choose to spend your time and energy with people who lift you up and make you feel empowered.

When we are surrounded with drama and negativity, it will undo all of our best efforts to be positive and internally calm.

Peace Quote
Peace Quote | Source

13. Count Your Blessings

Take a few minutes every day to be grateful. Notice and appreciate the small and big positive things that happened that day.

All of the positive things will all add up and become more powerful than the negative and you will be able to sleep in peace.


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